Why natural skincare?

Nowadays there are so many products available to us that it's easy to get lost in the superficial aspects but is it really love at first sight? We're on a mission to break down what those sneaky additives and chemicals really do to our skin and how going back to our natural roots for skincare can be beneficial to us.
Often a product grabs our attention with how it looks, smells, and even feels, all after a single use. The problem with this is, the expectation has become that we will see results from testing a product instantly. Why is this bad? It's pushed many brands to use artificial fragrances, silicones and other ingredients to give us the impression of instantaneous results and a facade of healthy skin.
You probably already know your skin is your largest organ but did you know up to 60% of what you put on it gets absorbed? This means the products you put on your skin have the potential to have a large impact on your overall wellbeing and health!
Surprisingly, skincare has largely been unregulated and plenty of ingredients found in skincare products have now been linked to health concerns such as eczema, allergies, hormonal disruptions and in extreme cases, even reproductive issues and cancer.
We've gone through to breakdown the biggest offenders so you know why you should be avoiding them and why we don't use them in our range!
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Some of the most common additives and chemicals found in skincare are:
Parabens are chemicals that help preserve products and increase their shelf life. They are often hidden under a variety of different names, some of which include methylparabens, propylparabens, butylparabens, and ethylparabens.
Studies suggest that parabens can disrupt hormone function by mimicking oestrogen, can harm fertility and reproductive organs, affect birth outcomes, and increase the risk of cancer.
Phthalates are chemicals used as binding agents and to soften and increase the flexibility of plastics in cosmetics. They're often also used to help products stick to skin.
Research has linked phthalates to asthma, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, breast cancer, obesity and type II diabetes, low IQ, neurodevelopmental issues, behavioral issues, autism spectrum disorders, altered reproductive development and male fertility issues.
It’s a strong no from us on this one!
The most commonly used sulfates are sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). The main use for these is to create lather, giving a stronger impression of cleaning power in a product.
Sulfates are known for irritating skin by stripping away moisture and protective barriers as well as triggering allergies. They may also clog pores and cause acne for those with sensitive skin.
Silicones are a group of semi-liquid substances derived from silica. Due to their hydrophobic (aka water repellent) nature, they are able to form a barrier-like coating on the skin that’s resistant to both water and air. Although this may sound like a good thing, and it can be - when it means the barrier is keeping negative factors out but this can work in both ways and silicones can lock harmful substances such as oil, dirt, dead skin and other debris in, causing clogged pores and breakouts. Additionally, if you're layering products, this silicone barrier can prevent the absorption and efficacy of other products in your routine.
While silicone-filled products might make your face look and feel nice in the moment, they don’t contribute to the long-term health of your skin. Essentially, once you wash the product off, you'll also wash away any benefits!
As if you needed more convincing, silicones are also bio-accumulative and contribute to the build up of pollution in our oceans and waterways - just another reason to steer clear!
Although it might seem harmless, it's worth noting the term "fragrance" can be used as an umbrella term for a trade secret. This basically means companies can use whatever concoction of chemicals they like and don't have to disclose what ingredients are inside. Instead listing the term "fragrance" in the ingredients list. We don't know about you but this feels like a major red flag to us!
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Many of these ingredients are still hidden in everyday products without providing consumers with the knowledge to identify them or the effects they may have. That's why, here at Güteskin, we opted for a skincare line based on the foundation that Mother Nature knows best. Our line is declared a no nasties zone and contains no synthetic fragrances, no silicones, no parabens and no sulfates!
When it comes to skincare, we believe healthy is always better than instant!