What are probiotics and why are they good for skin?

One of the newer trends to hit the skincare scene is probiotics. No doubt you've heard a few popular terms floating around, words like microbiome, microbiota, probiotics and prebiotics. It can all get a little overwhelming but don't worry, we're here to help break it down and explain why this microscopic ingredient can move mountains when it comes to skincare!
Let's start by breaking down what the microbiome is exactly. There are a few different names for the microbiome, you may have also heard microbiota or skin flora. Ultimately, they all refer to the community of organisms which call your skin barrier home. As a general rule, a greater diversity of good bacteria strains amongst your microbiome is a positive indication.
Now you might ask, what are probiotics? Probiotics are microorganisms that are beneficial to us. What role do they play in skincare? You might not realise it but your skin is covered in bacteria! Some of it good, that works in our favour (that’s the little guys we call probiotics) and some bad, that you guessed it, causes more of the bad stuff like breakouts, inflammation, acne and even wrinkles! Everyday routines or encounters can stress out your skin and things like dirt, pollution, sun exposure, over-cleansing or even over exfoliating can compromise your skin’s natural balance. This is where probiotic skin care comes in - having more of the good stuff can help tip the scales back in your favour and promote clear and healthy skin.
To support probiotics we can add prebiotics to our skincare rotuine. Prebiotics are the food or nutrients probiotics need to survive. Increasing the supply of prebiotics can encourage probiotics to thrive and increase their numbers. Luckily, you can find an abundance of prebiotics in common fruits and vegetables. That’s part of the reason we’ve optimised our range to incorporate natural ingredients, aiming to give you a head start in developing the proper building blocks for your microbiome whilst simultaneously nourishing your existing population of beneficial bacteria.
So what are the benefits of adding probiotics to your skincare routine?
Protection and skin immunity - Probiotics have been found to boost skin barrier function, help fight against pathogenic bacteria and actively compete with them. Meaning, if the bad guys are around, there’s less and less room for them to thrive as the good guys take over. Not only this but they have also shown to reduce inflammation. Soothing conditions such as acne, rosacea and even eczema.
They can help balance skin pH - Did you know our skin is naturally geared to be slightly acidic? Everyday routine can mildly neutralise our skin overtime, potentially increasing its susceptibility to bad bacteria. Enter our hero - probiotics! Most probiotic strains produce Lactic Acid which can help balance your skin’s pH levels. In turn, this helps your skin fight off the bad guys as many detrimental bacteria strains don’t thrive in acidic pH ranges!
They can help rejuvenate and hydrate your skin- Probiotics have been found to boost production of ceramics or lipids that trap moisture in the skin. This encourages plumper, healthier and younger looking skin, leaving your skin youthful and radiant.
Anti-ageing properties - Probiotics can help repair stressed skin, stimulate skin renewal, reduce the impact of oxidative stress and scavenge free radicals (one of the major causes of ageing). In turn, reducing the effects of photo-ageing, the appearance of age spots, fine line and wrinkles. Plus, unlike other harsh anti-aging products, probiotics are a natural alternative that are suitable for all ages.
Overall, it's skincare that works smarter not harder. Don't believe us? Try our range for yourself today!